Posted on 3/18/2016

Think about it—what is the most important piece of machinery in your life? Our guess is that most people's answer to this question would be their car. Your car gets you from point A to point B in possibly the quickest and most efficient way possible. Because of its importance in day-to-day life, it is imperative that you properly maintain your vehicle. Maintenance Tips for Your Car The first thing you should consider is inspecting your car yourself occasionally. Even if you aren't an experienced technician, you can probably tell if something looks, sounds, or smells strange. Check your power-steering fluid. Steering is obviously incredibly important to your travel safety, and that can be inhibited if the fluid is low. If you feel like something is really off—for example, if the levels are dangerously low—you should contact a professional. Make sure your transmission fluid is at proper levels. If it is not, it can cause your transmission to overheat an ... read more
Posted on 3/3/2016

If you were to ask an automotive repair service center how you can keep your car in good condition, they would have a lot of helpful tips to offer you. When you take the necessary steps to take good care of your car, it will run smoother, will not break down, and will give you extra years to the life span of the car. The following is a list of some good tips offered by a professional auto repair service in Decatur: Keep It Clean The car wash is about a lot more than making the car shine. Keeping dirt, grime, exhaust residue, and salt off of your car will protect the paint, the windows, and the engine. Refill the Tank before It's Empty A lot of people are in the bad habit of waiting until the gas light pops on in the car to get it refueled. This can damage your car. Try to make sure that the tank never gets more than 3/4 empty, and you will find that your engine will run a lot smoother. You will als ... read more